Birthday Offer, Western Region
Saltash Auto to HST – Terry Nicholls’ Memoirs
£24.50Weight 845 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 108
illustrations 109
cover hardback
ISBN 9.78192E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
The Atmospheric Southern
£29.95Weight 1720 g Dimensions 280 × 280 cm pages 160
illustrations 180
cover Casebound Hardback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 280 x 280 mm
format portrait/landscape
Western Region
Western Times Issue 7
by Andrew Malthouse
Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
isbn 9.78191E+12
Birthday Offer, Southern Region
The M7s 0-4-4Ts Illustrated
£25.95Weight 1026 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 152
illustrations 159
cover hardback
ISBN 9.78192E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Southern Region, Western Region
British Railways Class 9F 2-10-0s
Alan C. Butcher
Weight 570 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 112
illustrations 159
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
From the Camel to the Exe
by Jeffery Grayer
Weight 540 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 112
illustrations 159
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
London Midland Region
Midland Times Issue 2
£12.95Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
isbn 9.78191E+12
Little Boxes – A Tribute to an iconic Institution Deluxe Set
£37.00Weight 1450 g Dimensions 280 × 280 cm pages 112
illustrations 90
cover Casebound Hardback
isbn 9.78192E+12
dimensions 280 x 240 mm
format Llandscape
Little Boxes – A Tribute to an Iconic Institution
£22.50Weight 990 g Dimensions 280 × 280 cm pages 112
illustrations 88
cover Casebound Hardback
isbn 9.78192E+12
dimensions 280 x 240 mm
format landscape
Irish Railways
Omagh Railway Station
Tony McGartland
Weight 540 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 112
illustrations b/w and colour
cover paperback
ISBN 9781913251505
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
Southern Times Issue 5
£12.95Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Modern Traction Post TOPS, Western Region
Class 50s on the Western Region – Digital Version only
Compiled by Andrew Royle
Weight 550 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 85
cover hardback
ISBN 9781913893293
format landscape