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The enthusiast's publisher

Transport Treasury Publishing is the ‘new kid on the block’ when it comes to railway and bus publishing. Entering the market in August 2019 we have at our disposal literally hundreds of thousands of transport images, the vast majority unpublished. Using this archive and a growing band of experienced and new authors, we are delighted to present an expanding range of quality transport books.

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Our nation’s heritage

Many well-known railway photographers have chosen to leave their work permanently or for a fixed time with The Transport Treasury. We can safeguard a collection and also make it available to authors, usually regardless of who they are working for. All too much valuable material, negatives and slides, ranging from a collection of a few hundred to ones of several thousands has been lost, often because those that followed simply did not know who might be interest. A simple answer, WE ARE, so if you or someone you know is concerned as to the future, speak to us. We look forward to your call. It might even result in a book, (some of our titles started in just this way).

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Your Experience. Our Treasure
Whether you are an enthusiast, modeller or social historian, our books are designed in mind to meet your needs. The idea of publishing came from one scan of an RC Riley image. On the listing it was described as headboards on the floor. That single image conveyed far more to the reader than that. The image both historically and photographically is a joy to behold and together with all the images we have in our books bring back yesterday’s memories to the present day. We are always thinking of new angles and new images to use in our books to help bring to life the past, both vintage and more recent.
"Saving the nation's pictorial heritage"
The Railway Magazine, September 2008
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