Birthday Offer, Southern Region
David Clark’s Southern Odyssey
£17.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 85
cover hardback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
format landscape
Southern Region
Southern Times Issue 3
£12.50Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region, Western Region
The Midland & South Western Junction Railway AVAILABLE AS A DIGITAL COPY ONLY
£13.50Weight 530 g Dimensions 24 × 18.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 77
cover Hardback
ISBN 9781913893279
dimensions 24.5x19cm
format Landscape
Birthday Offer, Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, Scottish Railways, Southern Region, Western Region
Britain’s Railways in Unseen Black and White: Vol 1: The R E Vincent collection
£14.95Weight 540 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 112
illustrations 178
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
Southern Times Issue 2
£12.50Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
Southern Times Issue 1
£12.50Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
Southern Times Subscription Service
£12.95 on the 27th day of every 4th monthWeight 430 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
cover paperback
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, London Midland Region, Southern Region, Western Region
Somerset & Dorset Demise – Commemorating 55 years since closure
£18.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 21.4 × 27.3 cm pages 112
illustrations 185 Colour
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78192E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, North Eastern Region, Scottish Railways, Southern Region, Western Region
Forgotten Steam Photographed by Nick Nicolson
£16.50Weight 560 g Dimensions 24 × 18.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 87 c
cover Hardback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 24 x 18.5 cm
format Landscape
Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, Scottish Railways, Southern Region, Western Region
The Final Decade. The 1960’s Steam Railway AVAILABLE AS A DIGITAL COPY ONLY
£12.50Weight 528 g Dimensions 24 × 18.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 104
cover Hardback
isbn 9781913893040
dimensions 24 x 18.5 cm
format Landscape
Southern Region
£14.50Weight 541 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 161
cover paperback
isbn 9781913251208
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Southern Region
The Bulleid Merchant Navy class original and rebuilt
£14.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 141
cover paperback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait