Southern Region
Southern Times Issue 1
£12.50Weight 451 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 90+
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
Southern Times Subscription Service
£12.95 every 4 monthsWeight 430 g Dimensions 27.3 × 21.5 cm pages 80
cover paperback
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, London Midland Region, Southern Region, Western Region
Somerset & Dorset Demise – Commemorating 55 years since closure
£18.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 21.4 × 27.3 cm pages 112
illustrations 185 Colour
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78192E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, North Eastern Region, Scottish Railways, Southern Region, Western Region
Forgotten Steam Photographed by Nick Nicolson
£16.50Weight 560 g Dimensions 24 × 18.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 87 c
cover Hardback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 24 x 18.5 cm
format Landscape
Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, Scottish Railways, Southern Region, Western Region
The Final Decade. The 1960’s Steam Railway
£12.50Weight 528 g Dimensions 24 × 18.5 cm pages 80
illustrations 104
cover Hardback
isbn 9781913893040
dimensions 24 x 18.5 cm
format Landscape
Southern Region
Southern to the Coast
£14.50Weight 541 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 161
cover paperback
isbn 9781913251208
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Southern Region
The Bulleid Merchant Navy class original and rebuilt
£14.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 141
cover paperback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Eastern Region, London Midland Region, Miscellaneous, Southern Region, Western Region
Railways Around London
£14.50Weight 540 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 152
cover paperback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Southern Region
Isle of Wight Railway Art
£14.50Weight 550 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 141
cover paperback
isbn 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Southern Region
The Southern Around London – R C Riley Archive Vol 4
£14.50Weight 530 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 158
cover paperback
isbn 9781913251116
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Digital Books, Southern Region
The Southern’s Withered Arm – AVAILABLE AS A DIGITAL COPY ONLY
£12.00Weight 530 g Dimensions 27 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 177
cover paperback
ISBN 9781913251055
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait
Birthday Offer, Southern Region
Southern Medley
£7.25Weight 550 g Dimensions 273 × 215 cm pages 112
illustrations 141
cover paperback
ISBN 9.78191E+12
dimensions 273 x 215 mm
format portrait